Professor of Economics

Emily Conover joined Hamilton as an assistant professor of economics. She holds a BA from Wellesley College, a Maîtrise from University of Paris I Pantheon-Sorbonne, and Ph.D. in economics from UC Berkeley. Her fields of specialization are development and labor economics. Conover’s research interests include health policy, political economy, and formal and informal labor markets, among other topics in applied microeconomics. She is also a research fellow at the IZA Institute of Labor Economics.



Economics 101: Issues in Microeconomics
Economics 265: Economic Statistics
Economics 266: Introduction to Econometrics
Economics 275: Microeconomic Theory
Economics 340: Development Economics

Economics 421: Development Economics
Economics 453: Economic Development in Latin America
Economics 505: Topics in Development Economics
Economics 560: Economics Research Seminar



Manipulation of Social Program Eligibility” (with A. Camacho) American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, 2011, 3(2): 41–65.

The Influence of Social Networks on Pro-Environment Behaviors” (with J. Videras, A. Owen, S. Wu) Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 2012, 63(1),35-50.

Heat Waves Droughts and Preferences for Environmental Policy” (with A. Owen, J. Videras, S. Wu) Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, 2012, 31(3):556-577.

Effects of Subsidized Health Insurance on Newborn Health in a Developing Country” (with A. Camacho) Economic Development and Cultural Change, 2013, 61(3), 633-658.

Consequences of Easier Access to Alcohol: New Zealand Evidence” (with D. Scrimgeour) Journal of Health Economics, 2013, 32(2), 570-585.

Effects of Colombia's Social Protection System on Workers' Choice between Formal and Informal Employment(with A. Camacho, A. Hoyos), The World Bank Economic Review, 2014, 28(3), 446-466.

The Impact of Receiving SMS Price and Weather Information on Small Scale Farmers in Colombia” (with A. Camacho), World Development, 2019, 123, article 104596.

Cash and Ballots: Conditional Transfers, Political Participation and Voting Behavior” (with R. Zarate, A. Camacho and J. Baez), Economic Development and Cultural Change, 2020, 68(2): 541-566.

Gender Imbalances and Labor Market Outcomes: Evidence from large-scale Mexican Migration” (with M. Khamis and S. Pearlman), IZA Journal of Development and Migration, 2021, 12(1).

Job Quality and Labour Market Transitions: Evidence from Mexican Informal and Formal Workers” (with M. Khamis and S. Pearlman), Journal of Development Studies, 2022. DOI: 10.1080/00220388.2022.2061851

The Effect of Traffic Cameras on Police Effort: Evidence from India” (with D. Kraynak and P. Singh), Journal of Development Economics, 2023, 160, 102953.

 “Declining Outmigration and Local Labor Markets” (with M. Khamis and S. Pearlman), Journal of Human Resources, 2023, 58(6), 1948-1973.

Misallocation and Manufacturing TFP in Colombia” (with A. Camacho and D. Scrimgeour) Economía LACEA Journal, 2024, 23(1), 1-29.


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