Ernest H. Williams, Jr.
William R. Kenan Professor of Biology Emeritus
The Nature Handbook
Chapter 11, Deserts & Prairies
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- Raven, P.H., R.F. Evert, & S.E. Eichhorn. 1999. Biology of Plants, 6th ed. W.H. Freeman and Co., NY.
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- Smith, R.L., & T.M. Smith. 2001. Ecology & Field Biology. Benjamin Cummings, NY.
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- Taylor, R.J., & R.W. Valum. 1974. Sagebrush Country. Touchstone Press, Beaverton, OR
- Tewksbury, J.J., & J.D. Lloyd. 2001. Positive interactions under nurse plants: spatial scale, stress gradients and benefactor size. Oecologia 127:425-434.
- Tielboerger, K., & R. Kadmon. 2000. Temporal environmental variation tips the balance between facilitation and interference in desert plants. Ecology 81:1544-1553.
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- Williams, D.B. 2003. Tumbleweed.
- Yeaton, R.I., & M.L. Cody. 1979. The distribution of cacti along environmental gradients in the Sonoran and Mohave deserts. J. Ecol. 67:529-541.
- Young, J.A. 1991. Tumbleweed. Sci. Amer. (March 1991):82-87.
Photo Information
Fig. 11.1. Green ribbons:
- cottonwood trees; Park Co., WY; 13 Aug 2003; EHW
- greener vegetation along a paved road; nr. Bishop, CA; 14 Sep 1980; EHW
Fig. 11.2. Shrubs in arid areas:
- creosote bush, Larrea tridentate; Death Valley Nat’l Mon., CA; 24 Apr 1981; EHW
- gray matplant, Tiquilianesiotica; Bartolome, Galapagos; 14 Nov 2000; EHW
- sagebrush, Artemesia tridentate; Heart Mtn, Park Co., WY; 2 Aug 2001; EHW
Fig. 11.3. Gray arid-zone plants:
- desert holly, Atriplex hymenelytra; Death Valley Nat’l Mon., CA; 24 Apr 1981; EHW
- sagebrush, Artemesia tridentate; Newton Lk, Park Co., WY; 9 Aug 2001; EHW
- teddy bear cholla cactus, Opuntia bigelovii; Joshua Tree Nat’l Mon., CA; 21 Apr 1981; EHW
Fig. 11.4. Small leaves:
- ocotillo, Fouquieria splendens; Joshua Tree Nat’l Mon., CA; 21 Apr 1981; EHW
- close-up of ocotillo; AZ; John Alcock
- leaves of foothill paloverde, Cercidium microphyllum; AZ; John Alcock
Fig. 11.5. Green stems:
- prickly pear cactus, Opuntiapolyacantha; Cody, WY; 27 Jul 2002; EHW
- foothill paloverde, Cercidium microphyllum; AZ; John Alcock
Fig. 11.6. Vertical plant structures:
- pads of prickly pear cactus, Opuntia sp.; Grand Canyon Nat’l Pk, AZ; Jul 1999; EHW
- likely of Jacquinia berterii; St Thomas, VI; 2 Jul 2002; EHW
Fig. 11.7. Salt gradient:
- greasewood, Sarcobatus vermiculatus; Heart Mtn, Park Co., WY; 9 Aug 2001; EHW
- close-up of greasewood; Heart Mtn, Park Co., WY; 9 Aug 2001; EHW
Fig. 11.8. Sonoran desert:
- creosote bush; AZ; John Alcock
- diverse desert flora; AZ; John Alcock
Fig. 11.9. Desert flower show:
- Sonoran desert; AZ; John Alcock
- Sonoran desert; AZ; John Alcock
- great basin desert; Red Lodge, MT; 16 Jun 1978; EHW
Fig. 11.10. Nurse plants of giant saguaro, Carnegiea gigantea:
- foothill paloverde, Cercidium microphyllum; AZ; John Alcock
- bursage, Ambrosia sp.; AZ; John Alcock
Fig. 11.11. Big sagebrush, Artemesia tridentata:
- small; Heart Mtn, Park Co., WY; 2 Aug 2001; EHW
- intermediate; Southfork-Cody Rd, WY; 8 Aug 2001; EHW
- large; nr. Tower, Yellowstone Nat’l Pk; 16 Aug 2001; EHW
Fig. 11.12. Insect magnets:
- rubber rabbitbrush, Chrysothamnus nauseosus; Crandall, Park Co., WY; 6 Aug 2001; EHW
- rabbitbrush; Cody, WY; 8 Aug 2003; EHW
- goldenrod, Solidago sp.; Warm Lk, ID; 23 Jul 2002; EHW
Fig. 11.13. Tumbleweed; Southfork-Cody Rd., WY; 8 Aug 2001; EHW
Fig. 11.14. California chaparral; Cold Ck Canyon, CA; Feb 1981; EHW