Ernest H. Williams, Jr.
William R. Kenan Professor of Biology Emeritus
The Nature Handbook
Chapter 7, Insects
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Photo Information
Fig. 7.1. Mating insects:
- greenish blue butterflies, Plebejus saepiolus; Beartooth Mtns, WY; 30 Jul 1978; EHW
- forktail damselflies, Ischnura ramburii; David Liebman
Fig. 7.2. An evening swarm of midges (CA); Edward Ross
Fig. 7.3. Butterflies:
- Empress Leila butterfly, Asterocampa leila; Ronald Rutowski
- Eastern tiger swallowtail, Papilio glaucus; Michael Leski
Fig. 7.4. Pipevine swallowtail, Battus philenor; AZ; John Alcock
Fig. 7.5. Sulphur butterflies, Colias philodice; Oneida Co., NY; 25 Aug 2002; EHW
Fig. 7.6. Puddle clubs:
- Palamedes swallowtails, Papilio palamedes; Francis Marion Nat’l Forest, SC; 16 Jun 2002; EHW
- white admiral butterflies, Limenitis arthemis arthemis; Powley Rd., Hamilton Co., NY; 7 Jul 2003; EHW
- Colorado alpines, Erebia callias; Beartooth Mtns. WY; 27 Jul 1979; EHW
- arctic blue butterflies, Agriades glandon; Beartooth Mtns, WY; 20 Jul 1980; EHW
Fig. 7.7. Overwintering monarch butterflies, Danaus plexippus; CA; David Liebman
Fig. 7.8. First butterflies:
- mourning cloak, Nymphalis antiopa; Clinton, NY; 17 Apr 2002; EHW
- spring azure, Celastrina ladon; John Himmelman
Fig. 7.9. Juvenile insects:
- nymph of grasshopper; John Himmelman
- larva of black swallowtail, Papilio polyxenes; Clinton, NY; 1990; EHW
Fig. 7.10. Inchworms:
- large maple spanworm, Prochoerodes transversata; David Liebman
- unidentified inchworm; David Liebman
Fig. 7.11. Cocoons and pupas:
- cocoon of cecropia moth, Hyalophora cecropia; John Himmelman
- pupa of Gillett’s checkerspot, Euphydryas gillettii; Beartooth Mtns, WY; Jul 1982; EHW
- pupa of black swallowtail, Papilio polyxenes. Clinton, NY; 2001; EHW
Fig. 7.12. Shed insect exoskeletons:
- cicada; David Liebman
- stonefly; Allen Blake Sheldon
Fig. 7.13. Caterpillar webs:
- fall webworm, Hyphantria cunea, on pin cherry; Rome Sand Plains, NY; 27 Aug 2002; EHW
- brown-tail moth, Euproctis chrysorrhoea, on shadbush; Monhegan Is., ME; 28 May 2002; EHW
- Baltimore checkerspot, Euphydryas phaeton; Three Mile Bay, Oswego Co., NY; 20 Aug 1992; EHW
Fig. 7.14. woolly bear; _____________; EHW
Fig. 7.15. Polyphemus moths, Antheraea polyphemus; David Liebman
Fig. 7.16. Fireflies:
- fireflies over a field; James Lloyd
- a flashing individual; David Liebman
Fig. 7.17. Aphid feeding on fireweed, Epilobium angustifolium; Beartooth Mtns, WY; 17 Aug 2001; EHW
Fig. 7.18. Ant hills:
- small crater; Green Swamp, NC; 17 Jun 2002; EHW
- large mound of a prairie ant; Cody-Northfork Rd, WY; 13 Aug 2003; EHW
- ant trails; Rome Sand Plains, NY; ca. 10 May 2002; EHW
Fig. 7.19. Red velvet ant, the cowkiller Dasymutilla occidentalis; David Liebman
Fig. 7.20. Wasp and hornet nests:
- paper nest of the bald-faced hornet, Vespula maculata; Clinton, NY; 25 Aug 2002; EHW
- paper comb of paper wasp, Polistes sp.; Clinton, NY; Oct 2003; EHW
- wasp, Vespula sp.; Edward Ross
- nest of mud dauber, Chalybion sp.; NY; Aug 2002; EHW
Fig. 7.21. stridulating cricket; Dennis Sheridan
Fig. 7.22. Female insects:
- Mormon cricket, Anabrus simplex; Park Co., WY; 12 Aug 2003; EHW
- Old World paper wasp, Polistes dominulus; Clinton, NY; Oct 2003; EHW