barb tewksbury | hamilton college

I have always been fascinated with the structures that develop in rocks when they are subjected to stress and with the mechanisms that form those structures. My focus has changed recently from ductile structures in mid crustal rocks to structures that form in shallow crustal rocks and in unconsolidated materials at the Earth's surface. My research currently takes me to Iceland in the summer and to Egypt in the winter. I am privileged to work in collaboration with talented colleagues from both the US and Egypt. Our work involves a combination of field work, thin section analysis, remote sensing, geochemical analysis, and shallow seismic profiling.

The links below will take you to pages that describe these current projects. Please note that we are currently soliciting applications from students interested in the Desert Eyes Project.

Current research projects

Structures in the Stable Platform, Western Desert, Egypt
Deformation bands in subglacially erupted basaltic tuffs in Iceland
Desert Eyes Project – an NSF-funded research opportunity for students