If you have trouble accessing any of these papers, please email me for a copy.
[32] Symmetry Parameters of Various Hypercube Families, with Sally Cockburn, Lauren Keough, Sarah Loeb, and Puck Rombach, submitted.
[31] Paint Cost and the Frugal Distinguishing Number, The Art of Discrete and Applied Mathematics, in press.
[30] Determining Number and Cost of Generalized Mycielskian Graphs, with Sally Cockburn, Lauren Keough, Sarah Loeb, K.E. Perry, and Puck Rombach, submitted 2020
[29] Distinguishing Generalized Mycielskian Graphs, with Sally Cockburn, Lauren Keough, Sarah Loeb, K.E. Perry, and Puck Rombach, Australasian Journal of Combinatorics, in press
[28] The Cost of 2-Distinguishing Hypercubes, Discrete Mathematics. 344 (2021), no. 9, Paper No. 112512, 11 pp.
[27] Symmetry Parameters for Mycielskian Graphs, with Sally Cockburn, Lauren Keough, Sarah Loeb, K.E. Perry, and Puck Rombach, Research trends in graph theory and applications, 99--117, Assoc. Women Math. Ser., 25, Springer, 2021.
[26] Distinguishing Orthogonality Graphs, with Sally Cockburn, Journal of Graph Theory 98 (2021), no. 3, 389--404
[25] Identifying Codes on Directed de Bruijn Graphs}, with Victoria Horan and Mikko Pelto, Discrete Applied Mathematics, 262, 29-41, 2019
[24] The Cost of Distinguishing Graphs, with Wilfried Imrich, London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series, 436, Cambridge University Press, 2017
[23] Infinite Graphs with Finite 2-Distinguishing Cost, with Wilfried Imrich, Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, 21, no. 4, Paper 4.52, 2014.
[22] The Cost of 2-Distinguishing Selected Kneser Graphs and Hypercubes, Journal of Combinatorial Mathematics and Combinatorial Computing, 85, 161-171, 2013.
[21] The Cost of 2-Distinguishing Cartesian Powers, Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, 20(1): Research Paper 74 (electronic), 2013.
[20] Posets of Geometric Graphs, with Sally Cockburn, Alice M. Dean, and Andrei M. Margea, Ars Mathematica Contemporanea, 5(2):265-284, 2012.
[19] Geometric Graph Homomorphisms, with Sally Cockburn, Journal of Graph Theory, 69(2):97-113, 2012.
[18] More Results on r-inflated Graphs: Arboricity, Thickness, Chromatic Number, and Fractional Chromatic Number, with Michael O. Albertson and Ellen Gethner, Ars Mathematica Contemporanea, 4:5-24, 2011.
[17] The Thickness and Chromatic Number of r-Inflated Graphs, with Michael O. Albertson and Ellen Gethner, Discrete Math. 310(20): 2725– 2734, 2010.
[16] Determining sets, resolving sets, and the exchange property, Graphs and Combinatorics, 25(6):789-806, 2009.
[15] The determining number of a Cartesian product, Journal of Graph Theory, 61(2):77-87, 2009.
[14] Small label classes in 2-distinguishing labelings, Ars Mathematica Contemporanea, 1(2):154-164, 2008.
[13] Automorphisms and distinguishing numbers of geometric cliques, with Michael O. Albertson, Discrete and Computational Geometry, 39(4):778-785, 2008.
[12] Thickness-two graphs. I. New nine-critical graphs, permuted layer graphs, and Catlins graphs, with Ellen Gethner and Thom Sulanke, Journal of Graph Theory, 57(3):198-214, 2008.
[11] Structure and properties of locally outerplanar graphs, Journal of Combinatorial Mathematics and Combinatorial Computing, 60:169-180, 2007.
[10] Using determining sets to distinguish Kneser graphs, with Michael O. Albertson, Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, 14(1):Research Paper 20 (electronic), 2007.
[9] Identifying graph automorphisms using determining sets, Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, 13(1):Research Paper 78 (electronic), 2006.
[8] Distinguishing geometric graphs, with Michael Albertson, Journal of Graph Theory, 53(2):135-150, 2006.
[7] Isometrically embedded graphs, Ars Combinatoria, 77:97-108, 2005.
[6] Convex geometric graphs with no short self-intersecting paths, In Proceedings of the Thirty-Fourth Southeastern International Conference on Combinatorics, Graph Theory and Computing, volume 160, pages 205214, 2003.
[5] The isometry dimension and orbit number of a finite group, with Michael Albertson, Proceedings of the Thirty-Fourth Southeastern International Conference on Combinatorics, Graph Theory and Computing, volume 160, pages 205214, 2003.
[4] Realizing finite groups in Euclidean space, with Michael Albertson, Journal of Algebra, 225(2):947-956, 2000.
[3] When are centralizers of finite subgroups of Out(Fn) finite?, Groups, languages and geometry, Volume 250 of Contemporary Mathematics, pages 3758. American Mathematical Society, 1999.
[2] Wedge theory/compound matrices: properties and applications, with Ronald F. Gleeson and Robert M. Williams, Office of Naval Research Report No: NAWCADPAX–96-220-TR, 2 August 1996.
[1] Lower bounds for constant degree independent sets, with Michael Albertson, Discrete Mathematics, 127 (1-3):15-21, 1994.